This autumn/fall, the Elemendar team have been sharing the summer advancements made in READ. far and wide, from our clients on three continents to events in Brussels and Singapore. 

Elemendar in Top 20 European Scaleups! 

Elemendar was shortlisted by EIT Digital as one the Top 20 European Scaleups! The EIT Digital Challenge 2022 concluded in Brussels with showcasing the very best and innovative deep-tech scaleups across Europe, including our CEO Giorgos Georgopoulos presenting the birth and development of Elemendar alongside our product READ. Special congratulations to the winners of the challenge JENTIS and the team at EIT Digital for putting on such a comprehensive programme. 


UK-Singapore Digital Economy Mission Success 

In the month of September our Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst Ragini Gurumurthy had the incredible opportunity to represent Elemendar at the UK-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement (DEA) Mission. Organised by the UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT), the mission’s aim was for the UK & Singapore government to embark on an agreement that in turn boosts digital trade through partnerships.

Ragini was thrilled to have been a part of the DEA mission discussions and networking and sends her words of gratitude to those she met. A huge thanks to the members of both the DIT and the British High Commission who organised the event. 

CTI and ROI: The Complexity of Calculating Security Value

It is no surprise that assessing a cybersecurity product’s ROI is more complex and challenging than we usually think. In fact, deciding what security tools both fit within an organisation’s workflows and are also worth investment will take time. 

However, does this justify a no-spend method as the solution? Well, not exactly. In our latest blog, our Head of Cyber Threat Intelligence Stewart Bertram shares his thoughts on why this is often the case. 

Editor’s Picks… 

As winter approaches the northern hemisphere, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed with the thought of another year coming to a close. This month’s picks are two wellbeing resources to help aid with the blues:

  • Big Feelings by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West DuffyThis is a great read for those  dealing with very common feelings that have heightened since the pandemic such as Uncertainty, Burnout, Perfectionism, Despair and Regret. 
  • Mental Health UK – Fantastic downloadable resources for those living/working with others who may be battling with their mental health turmoil.