Chris Evett

About Chris Evett

Chris Evett is the Director of Strategy at Elemendar. His background involves delivering cutting edge technology projects that help us better understand things or do things more effectively. Chris has led teams to deliver products and projects across a range of sectors - particularly in the government and defence and security space. Since leaving the UK civil service in 2014, he has worked with a range of talented people from senior decision makers in government, to business leaders and academic research groups through to technical developers and designers. Chris generally specialises in open source intelligence tools (such as those used in horizon scanning and foresight) but in recent years he has applied this experience to Cyber Threat Intelligence, which is the area in which he currently manage a range of projects and product development initiatives at Elemendar.

Why Cyber Threat Intel Needs AI

Here at Elemendar we’ve been exploring the application of machine learning and AI tools since 2017. We've been looking at how to use different techniques from machine learning and finding ways that they can actually help analysts in the real world. In doing this we’ve learnt about the analysis areas

By |2022-08-18T14:37:04+00:00October 15th, 2021|

Open Source CTI & Foresight Analysis

Looking at different use cases for Open Source Intelligence - contrasting ‘Foresight analysis’ with ‘Cyber Threat Intelligence’ Open-source intelligence means using data and information that is readily available (generally for free) in the public domain to gain a better understanding of things. In this post, I’m going to explore two

By |2022-08-18T14:37:09+00:00February 4th, 2021|
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